Barbara Kerr Crohns Survivor – A Biography

Barbara was born into a family with a rich food heritage. Her grandmothers and mother formed her tastes early in life with the rich, delicious German dishes they prepared. When Crohn’s disease struck at the age of 16, the dietary restrictions became a straitjacket that she fought against until discovering a way to enjoy food and a healthy life.
This discovery created a desire in her heart to share the principles of abundant, healthy living with other people suffering with chronic bowel disease and other illnesses. Today she has controlled her Crohn’s disease drug-free for 21 years. Barb spends her time finding delicious recipes and changing them to healthier alternatives. She also loves creating her own tasty original recipes.
After years of living with Crohn’s disease, and undergoing surgery in 1994 to remove her scarred large intestine, Barbara Kerr embarked on a mission to completely change her diet – a challenge for someone who enjoys rich, tasty food! But as Scripture reminds us, “That which the devil planned to use to destroy us, God can transform into something good.”
Barbara’s determination evolved into a vibrant career that includes cooking schools, weekend seminars, presentations at women’s retreats, and regular television appearances on the Three Angels Broadcasting Network for seven years. Profits from the sales of her first and second Taste of Health Cookbook, written especially to help people with Crohn’s disease, colitis and lactose intolerance, have helped fund a church in India, aid in the translation of children’s Christian storybooks in Romania and teach tens of thousands of people how to live more healthfully. Barbara lives in South Carolina with her husband of 32 years, Bill and near their 29 year-old son, Nathan.
In 1998 Barbara presented an hour-long health lecture/cooking demonstration twice each evening to an audience of 1000 Romanian people in Alexandria and Ploska, Romania. This was done in correlation with an Evangelistic crusade that followed the health portion each evening. Barbara has continued to return to this city several times to visit with the people and as an occasional guest speaker for church services.
In 2003 Barbara presented the health nuggets each evening during a live broadcast for an evangelistic crusade presented by the late evangelist and North Pacific Union President, Dr. Jere Patzer. The three-week crusade was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and was delivered to a packed auditorium seating 3000. The broadcast covered not only the Dominican Republic and Haiti, but also all of South America.
The Lord calls us the “salt of the earth” and challenges us in Matthew chapter five to be a light on a hill, to let our light shine before men so that others may see our heavenly father living in us. It is my greatest desire to be used of the Lord to hasten His work so we can all go home!
Barbara Kerr
President, Taste Of Health
P.O. Box 38
Gaston, SC 29053
(803) 936-1714 bus/cell