Your Body’s Many Cries For Water

After graduating from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University and having the honor of being selected as the resident doctor in my own medical school, I returned to my birthplace of Iran to set up medical centers and clinics. I became very successful in this endeavor. Then the political volcano erupted. You likely saw on television the angry masses engaged in the violent overthrow of the Shah and the Iranian government.
Tragically, almost all professional people who had stayed in the country were rounded up and taken to prison to be investigated, tried, and “dealt with” as quickly as possible. Some people were shot on the first day or two. Their “revolutionary” trials consisted of establishment of identity, pronouncement of guilt, then the sentence. Most of the trials lasted no more than ten minutes. Some people were given a little more time before being “processed.” I was fortunate to be among the latter group. I suppose my skills as a doctor were useful to prison authorities.
At one point, the prison which was designed to hold 600 persons was “sardine-packed” with 8,000 to 9,000 prisoners. At the height of their revolutionary fervor, prison authorities used some cells built for six to eight people to isolate up to 90 persons. One third would lie down, one third would squat, and one third would have to stand. Every few hours, prisoners would rotate position.
The nightmare of life and death in that prison haunted everyone and tested the courage of both the strong and the weak. This is when it was revealed to me some of the greatest secrets of the human body never before understood by the medical profession. For most of the prisoners, who ranged in age from 14 to 80, pressures of the exceptionally harsh prison life caused much stress and illness. I knew I was meant to be there to help some of these desperate people.
It was in Evin Prison where I discovered for the first time in medicine that “classical diseases” of the body respond well to an increase in water intake. About two months into my imprisonment (after the first six weeks in solitary confinement), my purpose was revealed and it forever changed my life. Late one night, I was awakened to see an inmate in excruciating stomach pain. He could not walk by himself. Two other inmates were helping him stay upright. He was suffering from peptic ulcer disease and he wanted pain medication. His face dropped when I told him I had not been allowed to bring medical supplies with me to prison.
Then the revolutionary breakthrough occurred! I gave him two glasses of water. His pain disappeared in minutes and he could stand up by himself. He beamed from ear to ear. You cannot imagine the joy of relief he experienced, even in those harsh surroundings. “What happens if the pain comes back?” he asked. “Drink two glasses of water every three hours,” I told him.
He became pain-free and remained disease-free for the rest of his time in prison. His “water cure” totally amazed me as a doctor. I knew I had witnessed a healing power to water that I had not been taught in medical school. If water could relieve a painful condition, surely it needed further research! My eyes were opened. I realized why I had come to prison! I was sent there to learn a new approach to medicine and to reveal many other hidden secrets about the human body.
I stopped thinking about myself and started thinking about doing medical research in the prison. I began to identify the health problems that occurred due to the stresses of prison life. By far, the largest number of complaints involved ulcer pains. I treated those who came to me with what proved to be the best “natural elixir”—water. I found water could treat and cure more diseases than any medication I knew about.
During the years of my captivity in Evin Prison, I cured over 3,000 ulcer cases, all thanks to a cost-free fluid that is available to everyone and so often taken for granted.
When I was finally declared innocent of the charges against me and was offered release, I actually asked to remain incarcerated for a while longer to complete my research. Evin Prison was my “God-given human stress laboratory”—the best lab any research scientist could find. Though life in prison was very risky due to lack of law and order, I knew I had to stay and complete my research at any cost.
Two years and seven months later, I had gathered enough clinical data to begin changing the way medicine is practiced—to make it into a truly science-based, people-friendly healing art. I left all my possessions and my country in the middle of the night in the fall of 1982 and I escaped over the borders into Turkey. When I reached America, I continued the scientific aspects of my research. I have since presented my clinical findings and their scientific explanations at international conferences and have published them in medical journals. My God-given message was simple: “It Is Chronic Dehydration That Painfully and Prematurely Kills.”
“Dry mouth” was formerly the only sign of dehydration of the body. But in fact, this signal is the last outward sign of extreme dehydration. Naturally, chronic dehydration means persistent water shortage that has become established for some time. Like any other deficiency disorder such as vitamin C deficiency in scurvy, vitamin B deficiency in beriberi, iron deficiency in anemia, vitamin D deficiency in rickets, or you name it, the most efficient method of treatment of the disorders is by supplementation of the missing ingredient. Accordingly, if we begin to recognize the health complications of chronic dehydration, their prevention, and even early cure, becomes simple.
The hero is water. The human body is composed of 75 percent water (the solvent) and 25 percent solid matter (the solute). Brain tissue is said to consist of 85 percent water. When inquiry into the workings of the body began, the scientific parameters and a very broad knowledge of chemistry had already become well-established, so it automatically became the assumption that the same understandings that were developed within the discipline of chemistry applied to the body’s composition.
It was therefore assumed that the solute composition is the reactive regulator of all functions of the body. At the onset of research, the water content of the body was assumed to act only as a solvent, a space filler, and a means of transport—the same views that were generated from the test-tube experiments in chemistry. No other functional properties were attributed to the solvent material. The human body is even now regarded as a large “test tube” full of solids of different nature and the water in the body as a chemically insignificant “packing material.” Under this erroneous assumption, all the human applied research has been directed toward identification of one “particular” substance that can be held responsible for causing a disease.
Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. “Water distribution” is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water, but its transported elements (hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients) first reach the more vital organs. In turn, every organ that produces a substance to be made available to the rest of the body will only monitor its own rate and standards of production and release into the “flowing water,” according to constantly changing quotas set by the brain. Once the water itself reaches the “drier” areas, it also exercises its many other vital and missing physical and chemical regulatory actions.
Within this view, water intake and its priority distribution achieve paramount importance. The regulating neurotransmitter systems (histamine and its subordinate agents) become increasingly active during the regulation of water requirements of the body. Their action should not be continuously blocked by the use of medication. Their purpose should be understood and satisfied by drinking more water.
Because of a gradually failing thirst sensation as we age, our bodies become chronically and increasingly dehydrated beginning at early adulthood. Since the water we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity. It is the reason for the loss of water volume held inside the cells of the body. As a result, chronic dehydration causes symptoms of disease which are then treated with unnecessary medications.
Chronic pains of the body that cannot be easily explained as injury or infection should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage. These chronic pains include rheumatoid arthritis, angina (heart pain), dyspeptic pain, low back pain, leg pain while walking, migraine headaches, and colitis with its associated constipation. All of these pains should be treated with a regular adjustment to daily water intake. If the problem has persisted for many years, those who wish to test the pain-relieving property of water should be sure that their kidneys can make sufficient urine so that they do not retain too much fluid. With increase in water intake, urination should also increase. This new understanding of the physiology of pain production in dehydration will shed light on the causes of disease in future medical research.
Your body needs an absolute minimum of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Coffee, tea, colas, other caffeine beverages, and alcohol don’t count as water. (In fact, they will actually dehydrate the body even more.) And don’t wait until you’re thirsty. The best times to drink water (clinically observed in peptic ulcer disease) are: one glass a half hour before each meal—and one glass two hours after each meal. If you drink water according to this program, you would not feel thirsty in the middle of a meal. However, if you feel thirsty even in the middle of a meal, it would be advisable to satisfy your thirst sensation at that time even though this recommendation is against the conventional wisdom.
For the sake of not shortchanging our bodies, we should also drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning and one glasse before going to bed. People living in hot climates and physically active individuals should even further increase their water intake. The thirst mechanism becomes more efficient when we increase our water consumption. Therefore, your body might then ask you to drink more than the above minimum. Beware that you also need to add some salt to your diet. You need to take a quarter teaspoon of salt for every quart of water to prevent “salt shortage in your blood,” which could cause brain damage and even death in people with extreme salt shortage in their bodies.
Water is the cheapest form of medicine to a dehydrated body. As simply as dehydration produces the major diseases we are now confronting, a well-regulated and alert attention to daily water intake can help prevent most of the major diseases we have in our modern society. You need to further educate yourself about the importance of water and the appropriate minerals to optimum health and well-being. Read my books Your Body’s Many Cries for Water and Water Cures: Drugs Kill – How Water Cured Incurable Disease to become your own healer and could then help others understand how chronic unintentional dehydration is the primary cause of pain and disease in the human body, including cancer.
If this information helps you, please write me a note about your particular condition and how increased water intake has helped you. I hope to document as much information on chronic dehydration as possible. It is a very young science which needs the input of all who test the information. Your participation will save others from unnecessary suffering both now and in the future.
F. Barmanghelidj, M.D.